BaseZap,A ZapBase Company Legally Registered under Indian Corporate Act(f) is a webhosting provider which provides top-quality hosting at an affordable price. At BaseZap , we recognize that all projects have different goals & requirements and our support will work tirelessly to ensure each and every one of our customers has their needs met.Our combined offer of 24x7x365 Professional support , 99% Uptime guarantee and a 7 day money back guarantee help to certify our hosting as nothing but the best.We pledge to always take your business seriously. We are always looking for ways to diversify our offerings, improve reliability, and improve our overall quality of service. After all, your ideas put you online, but we’re the ones that help keep you there.We have people you can trust! Our staff of professionals can point you and your business in the right direction. Our services can start your web site from an idea to being visible to the eyes of millions of people everyday.Less