We are HostBack. A hosting company with a Loyalty = Reward Initiative. Providing fantastic hosting solutions with a little something extra for all our loyal customers.100% Peace Of Mind. HostBack backs up your hosting account frequently. We also back up our backups! This gives you peace of mind if anything should go wrong.Fantastic Monthly Rewards. Believe it or not, eventually, your reward amount could well be more than your hosting plan subscription costs you each month. Loyalty = Reward.Monthly Rolling Contracts. We don’t tie you down to 12 or 18-month contracts. We like to keep it simple. If you are not happy with our service you can cancel anytime.GETTING YOU ONLINE. We also try and will continue to make getting online as simple and as cheap as possible. Using fantastic platforms such as WordPress & cPanel. Giving you the tools from the outset and supporting you or your business from day one.Less